People Smiling with Nice Smiles in Romford, Essex | Winning Smiles Dental Clinic


Cosmetic Dentistry

Our successful stories
for Cosmetic Dentistry


Our successful stories
for Orthodontics

Dental Implants

Our successful stories
for Dental Implants

Teeth Veneers

Our successful stories
for Teeth Veneers

Spaces, big gaps between teeth

This patient was unhappy with the appearance of gaps between all his teeth when he smiled. We were able to close those gaps up within about 12 months using clear brackets.                   …

Arch expansion – widening of the upper jaw in an adult patient

This patient did not like her narrow upper jaw and smile, the crowded teeth, the over-sized upper front incisor teeth. We used clear braces on the outside and a wire in the roof of the mouth at the same time…

Severe lower crowding, mild upper crowding

This case took under 12 months to straighten the very crooked teeth in the lower jaw and align the uppers as well. The finished photos show a fixed permanent wire on the inside of the teeth to stop them relapsing…

Narrow jaws, open bite, severe crowding non extraction

This patient came to us because she hated her smile: it was too narrow, the upper front teeth were all crowded into each other and twisted. She couldn’t eat a sandwich properly with the front teeth because of the gap…

Making a wider smile and straightening very crooked upper front teeth

In this case, the upper incisors had a pushed back appearance and they were twisted. the smile was narrow – when the patient smiled the sides of the smile were in shadow. we used clear brackets to gently untwist and…

Severe overbite/overjet reduction/relief of severe crowding lower front teeth

This lady came to us because she said she was goofy – her front teeth were sticking out. In the lower jaw, the teeth didn’t have enough room so 2 teeth had been pushed out of the bite altogether. We…

Overbite reduction, lower crooked teeth, straightening

This gentleman was in his 50s and didn’t like his buck teeth, increased overbite and jumbled lower teeth. we fitted clear brackets and realigned all the teeth over approximately…

Severe crowding upper and lower teeth, canines sticking out

This lady hated her very uneven smile, all the teeth sticking out at the sides, teeth bunched together and uneven.

Crowding and a tooth in the roof of the mouth!

This lady came to us because she was unhappy with her crooked, uneven teeth. The front ones were sticking out and she didn’t like her overbite.

Invisalign Lite for Crowding

Invisalign Lite is available for patients with minor crowding and spacing, specifically designed to provide affordable, predictable treatment for simple cases without compromising on quality or treatment outcome.

Copyright © 2022 – Winning Smiles Limited as part of Dentex Health registered in England and Wales with Company Number 07180457. All Rights Reserved.

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