Tooth whitening is always one of the main treatments for any cosmetic dentist. Because it doesn’t harm the teeth and is quick and simple to do it is almost always part of a Winning Smile!
This lovely lady wanted her smile brightening in time for her wedding in 3 weeks. Using our home whitening system we achieved these results in 10 days. Is this a one off? – No. This is a typical result achieved by using bleaching trays every night for 10 nights. The advantages of using a home whitening system are:
- that you have more control over the shade of white you want
- gives a stable, lasting result
- the trays will always fit, so if you want to brighten your smile again in the future, you just need to buy the bleach (£16), as opposed to paying for the whole process again
We can use tooth whitening as a treatment by itself like her, or as part of a larger cosmetic treatment plan. Tooth whitening costs just £250 to practice plan members.
Treatments: Teeth Whitening