Gentle Dentistry

The most common fear when it comes to dentistry is of pain when having treatment. This is completely normal!

We (Winning Smiles Dentists Romford), have helped hundreds of people past this problem, with our extensive experience in this area, and our investment in medical technology to support all of our patients.

The dental wand, 3d scanning and conscious sedation have helped hundreds of people. We love the reviews people leave after having solved the problem: the fear of dentistry and wanting nicer teeth.

Painless Dentistry | Dental Scan in Romford, Essex | Winning Smiles

Painless Injection

The Dental Wand releases a small dose of anaesthetic to numb the area before we do anything at all. A gentle experience for everyone, every time.


Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation (CS) is the best of both worlds. Remain in control during the process, completely forget the whole thing afterwards. Amazing but true.

The Dental Wand releases a small dose of anaesthetic so that the area is being numbed before the needle goes in. This means a pain-less injection for everyone, every time.

Some dentists charge extra to use this technology – but for us, it is at the heart of our gentle dental philosophy, not an optional extra!

How can dentistry be painless?

Avoiding painful injections is the first step. We use the dental wand for all of our patients.

It is perfectly normal to be worried about dentistry,

Conscious sedation (CS) is the final step to reassure most anxious patients needing dental treatment. If you have a needle phobia, concerns about gag reflexes and invasive dental treatment, Conscious Sedation is the best way overcoming all these fears.

Interestingly, you are neither awake nor are you put to sleep. The sedatives and painkillers administered makes you utterly relaxed and drowsy and makes you completely unaware of both the numbing anaesthetic (LA) and the actual treatment.

And finally – the most important ingredient?

We take our time – anaesthetic does not take effect ‘at the speed of light’!

Often new patients tell us that their experience of fillings is a sharp pain from the injection followed by  a dentist drilling the tooth before it has gone properly numb: the result? Pain and Fear.

The most important ingredient is taking the time. The time for painless procedures to take effect, the time to ask if everything is ok, and to pay attention to the answer.

Take the time to come and see us and talk things through beforehand, it’s never as bad as you think.

What they say about us

Diane – Parents Lie!

You may recall my review of 28 August which followed an accident resulting in the loss of my r/h incisor. Well.. get this. Can you remember when you were young and had to have your fist tooth out??? You will probably recall the words “don’t worry my love, it will soon be over and you only have to go through this ONCE”! Well thats not true… As the only person I know that has had the same tooth extracted twice I hope you find the this review both funny and educational.

Shortly after my accident and the extraction of what was remaining of my smashed tooth, a rather unsightly and uncomfortable lump appeared on my upper lip. Everyone I spoke to told me that is was scar tissue! Some eight weeks in, the lump started to cause me significant discomfort and anxiety. I was feeling ‘strange’ and experiencing extreme facial sweats. hmmmm says Diane off to bother my local GP (Dr Kwan) and bore the pants off him with my never ending tooth story and moaning about the lump. I always knew that something wasn’t quite right but when my doctor recommended an x ray and put me on antibiotics I was then convinced that me instincts were correct.

Andrew Fennell to the rescue – he x rayed the soft tissue for me (which for your information Queens Hospital on the night of the accident omitted to do!) and guess what… half of the smashed tooth was embedded in my cheek (upper lip). To Andrew’s credit he arranged to extract the tooth (again) the very same day. He personally performed the surgical procedure with the utmost care and sympathy. I am delighted to report that within hours the swelling had subsided and I was back on solid foods (all be it an indian curry) the very next day.

So that’s the proof – PARENTS LIE.

I consider myself very lucky to have two important men in my life – my GP and dentist. THANK YOU BOTH

For those of you who find this dribble interesting (get a life) but my next update will follow the implant procedure (late Dec/early Jan).

Ann-Marie – Getting a Perfect Smile

I just like to say thank you so much for your help and how much it has made me feel comfortable about my teeth. I have always hated my teeth, everything about them and it didn’t help that I am scared of going to the dentist either.

My whole experience of Winning Smiles has been fantastic. I hate everything about the dentist from the second you walk in till the second you leave. However since I have been going to winning-smiles my confidence has grown. There is not any pain at all including the needle at the very beginning to numb your gums. That’s the bit I hate the most.

When I went for my consultation and I explained that I feel my teeth were too far forward, that the front two teeth are too long and that the fillings that I had done somewhere else where yellow. He explained that I could not do anything about the teeth being so far forward with out breaking my jaw, but what he could do would be a significant difference. He explained by filing down the too front teeth, whiting all the front teeth and changing the colour of the fillings to match the colour of my teeth after whiting would make a big difference.

I agreed to have everything he said done and I am very pleased with the results, he took a before and after photo and it is amazing how much better they are and how much better I feel about my teeth. I was worried at first as I fault it would hurt but I can honestly say none of it did.

I love my new teeth and now can show them off. Thank you to everyone