Childrens Private Orthodontics

Everyone should know that a level of Orthodontics is available for children under 18 as a free service on the NHS (we are not an NHS practice).

However, we do offer private children’s Orthodontics at Winning Smiles, where the children aren’t thought to qualify for NHS, or where people are looking for ‘something more’. As a private dental practice we can provide treatment options to children, along with shorter waiting times, and aesthetic options such as ceramic brackets.

a picture of uneven things

For those children who don’t qualify for NHS Orthodontics

Because these cases are mild and the treatment time is short this results in significantly lower costs.

Mild Cases

For those children who have been referred to an NHS orthodontist who has told them that they do not qualify for treatment on the NHS because their case is not severe enough – we can often treat such cases in under 6 months using a variety of cosmetic fixed, removable and invisible aligners (like ‘Invisalign Teen).

What makes our orthodontic treatment worth considering?

Evening and Weekend appointments

We work when you don’t: offering appointments up to 7pm and on Saturdays means that hard working parents don’t have to sacrifice valuable work time to get their child’s brace adjusted.

Bearing in mind that this is usually a monthly commitment over the duration of treatment it will save a lot of time off – combine this with state of the art brace systems that get the job done quicker and the savings really mount up.

Furthermore, many parents worry about taking their child out of school for half a day a month and the effect this may have on their schooling.

No Waiting List

NHS waiting times to start treatment are often 18 months plus. Given that most children will be told they have to wait until ‘all the adult teeth are through’ before they even start treatment, many ortho treatments won’t begin until a child is 14 or 15, meaning that their braces will be bothering them right through to the time when they are trying to concentrate on their GCSE examinations…not to mention the fact that at 15 or so kids are concerned with their appearance..

At Winning Smiles we often start treatment around 11 or 12 (or earlier for our ‘early intervention cases – see below) which means that by 13 or 14 treatment is complete – often around the time their GCSE syllabus is starting

Early Intervention

In a significant number of cases, orthodontic treatment should be started prior to a child’s pubertal growth spurt to obtain the best results. We know that in such cases treatment can be finished much earlier, extractions can be avoided and the final result is just so much better (wider smiles, better function).

We routinely check our children to see if they require this type of early intervention orthodontics and will start treatment as early as 8 years if necessary. This way the treatment is finished much earlier.

If these same cases are treated at 13 the amount of time with the train tracks on is much increased and often extractions are needed which results in fewer teeth to eat with and a noticeably narrower smile.

Faster treatment

Using the most up to date orthodontic systems means that treatments that used to take 2 years or more can now be reduced to around 18 months. These systems (eg Damon braces) cost quite a bit more than conventional systems but this is more than offset by the convenience of reduced treatment time, reduced number of visits to the clinic etc.

All cases treated from the mild to complex

As mentioned above. Many parents have to come to terms with their child being refused orthodontics on the NHS because they are told their teeth are ‘not crooked enough’. We regularly treat these mild cases and they can often be completed in 6 months or less and our reduced fees reflect the simplicity of such cases – monthly payment terms still available.

Discreet braces and clear aligners

Despite the well-publicised celebrity orthodontic cases of recent years (eg Tom Cruise) many parents and children haven’t fallen in love with the ‘Brace Face’ look. Many of our orthodontic systems are discreet and ‘cosmetic’ – we use the same systems for our young patients as we do for our adults because we know that many patients prefer not to advertise the fact that they are having treatment.

We are also Invisalign Teen accredited which means that we routinely provide Invisalign ‘almost invisible aligners’ for our younger patients. Not just train-tracks (although even our train tracks are of the cosmetic variety, discreet, white brackets).

Dental Plan

We also now offer our dental plan to any child whether the parent is registered with us or not.

The Free Consultation

Without seeing things for ourselves, we can’t tell people what their options are.

And so with that in mind, we are happy to offer free consultations, as this is a big decision for most people. We are careful to take budget, comfort and appearance into account when explaining all the available choices and there is never any pressure to proceed, and certainly not on the day.

We set out to be a friendly practice and try to provide everybody with what’s right for them, at an affordable cost. We hope our dentist reviews give that impression.

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Children’s Private Orthodontics Price List

The following costs for Children’s Private Orthodontics are correct when written, but they can change. We will provide written pricing for each ‘cosmetic treatment’ as part of our free consultation.You don’t have to be a member to have treatment at Winning Smiles.

Dental Plan£23.35/month
Mouth GuardsMember Pricing From
Sports Guard£155
Bite Guard£289
Children's TreatmentMember Pricing From
Children (5-16)£40
Examination (under 5 years old)FREE
Fissure Sealant£39
Examination (6-16 years old)£40
Routine Hygiene if parent's on plan£40
Deciduous Filling£39
Extraction of Deciduous Tooth£42
Permanent Filling as per adult fees

What they say about us

Exemplary Customer Service

From start to finish the Winning Smiles team have had an exemplary approach to customer service. The initial call to make an appointment for a consultation was handled extremely professionally by Dental Receptionists. They were able to make an appointment around my busy schedule and I got an appointment within 10 days.

The consultation went ahead as planned where I had photos taken of my teeth and then advised of the best plan of action to improve my misaligned teeth. Also during the consultation, I was advised of the payment options and potential payment plans if I couldn’t settle the bill as a whole.

Then came the pre-dental treatment to ready me for my braces. The Hygienist was absolutely brilliant. She cleaned my teeth and also went in to great detail on how I should clean and maintain my teeth.

Due to a large Frenulum, I had to undergo a Frenectomy. I was extremely nervous about having the Frenectomy but was reassured by the Orthodontist and the procedure was carried out quickly and pain-free.

Following the Frenectomy I had my braces installed and revisited the practice every 4-6 weeks for 11 months. During these visits again all the team were very courteous and polite and put me at ease.

The day the braces were finally removed the Orthodontist removed I was provided with a fixed brace and measured-up for a night brace to also use. I was reminded how to clean my teeth and also that if I had any problems to come back and see them.

So to close this practice lives up to its name because I truly have a ‘Winning Smile’ now.
Thank you.

Ruth – Don’t be scared of sedation!


I came in for 4 hours sedation with your FANTASTIC sedationist Doctor Damian. It was recommended as I needed 10 upper crowns and surgery to even up my gum lines. This involved a very lengthy treatment, which thankfully I was not aware of. Amazingly I was told to eat and drink before treatment. The drug process to put me to sleep was not in the least bit traumatic. It only involved a tiny needle, with just one drop at a time of the drug. When I came round, I did not feel unwell in the least (just not quite with it). It was a totally stress free experience, and I recommend it to anyone undergoing lengthy/complex work.
Andrew is also doing a brilliant job, sorting out my general and cosmetic dentistry…..BEFORE AND AFTER his clever Dad Michael straightened them for me with Invisalign.
The girls are all great too, and I am SO lucky to have found the perfect team at Winning Smiles!